Saturday 17 November 2012

hey there ,

                Sorry,didn't knew what's my old blog 's password is. So i made a new one instead.

                Well firstly, life's right now eversince enlisted in the Army has been tough, it's not about a girl or friends. It's just about my own future. Didn't knew it would turned so bad like this, Sometimes when i sleep i dream both Shaza & Fira. I just don't know what's going on here, kept asking my friends about this weird dreams of mine but what they all said is either " never wash my legs before heading to bed / maybe they missed you? " but really it's so impossible right? Both of them left me to find their "happiness" without me being in their life anymore. How much i suffered in this 2 years? Going out with a girl makes me felt so wrong , it's saying that i'm cheating on my girlfriend with i don't have one now.. But hopefully this dream and thoughts i have, hoping it will go away soon.

                 It's just really sad to see Obek M being in this kind of situation, lying down on the bed with a tube  entering his nasal (nose). He help a lot for my family and where he help Mama and Ayah be together once both of them we're engaged. Please don't go! you're the closest uncle that i've got eversince mama passed away. Every uncle that passed away, I always remember Mama cause that's how she felt when she said her final breath ):